Friday, September 29, 2017

Overwatch Game Wallpapers HD - Free Android Wallpapers App



Get mobile wallpapers with Watch Game Wallpapers HD a free app great for overwatch fans!
This app boasts over 400 high quality wallpapers for your Android powered device phone or tablet, by far the most of any free Overwatch wallpaper app. And with so many background styles to choose from there is a wallpaper in this app for every Overwatch fan. Every character found in the game has many unique wallpapers in this app themed around them. Just scrolls or slide thru the selections and pick your favorite.
- Ana
- Bastion
- Doomfist 
- D.Va
- Genji
- Hanzo
- Junkrat
- Lucio
- McCree
- Mei
- Mercy
- Orisa
- Pharah
- Reaper
- Reinhardt
- Roadhog
- Soldier 76
- Sombra
- Symmetra
- Torbjörn
- Tracer
- Widowmaker
- Winston
- Zarya
- Zenyatta

- Use the favorites button to keep track of your top Overwatch images for your screens
- Use the save button to download the picture files directly on your phone/device
- Use the social share button to tell friends about your favorite wallpaper
- All the wallpapers in this app are stored online not in the app, so you will need the internet active to browse and use them properly. 

free overwatch wlalpaper app android